Monday, February 27, 2012

Busy Bee

I have felt very busy in most aspects of my life lately.   It's caused me unnecessary headache and wasted time thinking about it.  While I am typically not a worrier about day-to-day mundane nonsense, I have lately been dwelling more than I should.   The first step is identifying the problem, right?!

Between parents in town for extended period of time, being down a team member at work -with no new addition in site, and general house projects piling up, I have felt busy.   Swamped.  Losing my mind a bit.  (For me.  I realize that I have no children, and that 10 years from now I will laugh at my 28 year old self.  But the point is, I liked how things fell into place the second half of 2011.  Can I repeat that please?)

Today I read a column in a magazine to which I subscribe.   The column is not usually my cup of tea and I often skip it.  For some reason, today I read it, and loved what I found.

Instead of fretting about getting everything done, why not simply accept that being alive means having things to do?  Then drop into full engagement with whatever you're doing, and let the worry go.

So that's my current challenge.  Accept that being alive (which I am, thank you very much!) means having things to do.  There will always be laundry, cleaning, obligations, work projects, etc. because we're alive and living people typically have stuff to do.